Accessing Survey123 templates from a mobile device

Last updated: 3 July 2024

Guidance for Rapid Building Assessors (RBAs) on how to access survey templates on a mobile device using Survey123.

What you will need

To access the rapid building assessment survey templates, you will need:

  • a mobile device (tablet or phone)
  • access to the internet
  • Survey123 downloaded to your device
  • an ArcGIS Online or Enterprise username and password

Accessing templates

Step 1

Open Survey123 on your device and sign-in to either ArcGIS Online or Enterprise.

Step 1 image: Screenshot of ArcGIS Survey123 sign in options

Step 2

At the top-right of the app, click your user icon and in the menu panel click "Download Surveys"

Step 2 image: Screenshot of user icon menu options in ArcGIS Survey123

Step 3

In the download survey page, Search for "MBIE" and click on the correct rapid building assessment survey thumbnail to begin download.

Note: There may be multiple surveys depending on your organisation. Be sure to select the correct survey.

Step 3 image: Screenshot of an example of surveys available for download in ArcGIS Survey123

Step 4

Once downloaded, click back to return to the "My Survey" page.

The form is now ready to use, click on the thumbnail of the form and in the page that loads click "Collect".

Further assistance

If you need help, please check with your local IT support or the building response manager. 

This information is published by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Chief Executive. It is a general guide only and, if used, does not relieve any person of the obligation to consider any matter to which the information relates according to the circumstances of the particular case. Expert advice may be required in specific circumstances. Where this information relates to assisting people: