Industry groups

Last updated: 30 May 2024

Overseas products 2

Overseas products and standards changes for impacted industry groups.

Manufactures and importers

  • More confidence that your products will be recognised for use in Aotearoa/New Zealand without requiring additional tests.
  • You can reference recognised international standards and certification schemes when making claims under the Building Product Information Requirements.
  • You may choose to test your products against widely accepted overseas standards, facilitating easier access to overseas markets. 

Building Consent Authorities

  • Building Consent Authorities will still need to assess proposed building work to ensure products are being used for their stated purpose and that the building will comply with the Building Code. 
  • Streamlining citing of international standards: Product manufacturing and testing standards currently in Acceptable Solutions and Verification Methods will be moved into the ‘building product specification’ (will be a new regulatory instrument). This will make it easier for building consent authorities to check that a building product, that they are not familiar with, complies with the Building Code.

Designers, tradespeople and consumers

  • You will have more confidence when specifying or using unfamiliar building products
  • Recognised groups of standards, from trusted overseas standards organisations and standards certification schemes, will be able to be relied on for supporting evidence of compliance with the New Zealand Building Code. This will make it easier for many building products from overseas to be specified in a building design by utilising the certification the product has already received overseas.

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