Transcript: Case Study - Colorsteel

Last updated: 3 September 2024

Transcript for "Colorsteel case study" video.

[Ron Newbold drives his car up to the Colorsteel factory and enters. Text on screen: Rod Newbold, Product Launch Manager, NZ Steel.]

Hello. I'm Rod Newbold, Product Application Specialist for New Zealand Steel. I'm here to talk about CodeMark and Colorsteel Dridex. Five years ago, the team at Colorsteel decided to rethink the traditional approach to roofing.

[Shot of workers applying Colorsteel to a large flat roof. Rob Newbold looks through a ColorSteel brochure. Text on screen: Colorsteel Dridex. Advanced condensation and ventilation technology.]

The aim was to create a composite product that simplified the overall roofing process. Colorsteel Dridex is a condensation and ventilation management solution that reduces mould and other pollutants that contribute to asthma, allergies and respiratory disease.

[Animation showing the two layers of the Colorsteel Dridex system. Upclose shots of Colorsteel Dridex. Text on screen: CodeMark. Text on screen: Colorsteel Dridex. Raising the standard of New Zealand roofing.]

The Dridex technology was the first in its kind in New Zealand, combining a thin layer of absorbent fleece to the underside of Colorsteel roofing sheet, removing the need for traditional fabric underlay. Roof cladding and building paper technology are combined into a single system, so only one product needs to be installed, as opposed to two or more. Because of the complexity of the product, the CodeMark certification scheme has been vital in giving local building authorities confidence that Colorsteel Dridex complies with New Zealand's Building Code.

[Rob Newbold on screen in his office. Up close shot of Colorsteel Dridex installed on a roof.]

CodeMark makes it easier and faster to use new and innovative building methods and products by certifying that they meet the needs of the Building Code.

[Shot of outside of factory building and up-close shots of installed Colorsteel Dridex.]

Without CodeMark, we would need to have detailed, complex conversations with building consent authorities every time we applied to install a Colorsteel Dridex roofing solution. 

[Rob Newbold on screen walking inside the factory and talking to the workers.]

I would estimate the CodeMark scheme has saved us hundreds, if not thousands of hours in the five years that we've been certified.

[Rob Newbold on screen in his office.]

Without CodeMark our market reach was limited to non-residential buildings. So having CodeMark opened up the residential market to us.

[Shot of Colorsteel billboard and Colorsteel logo on the outside factory wall.]

That means we can deliver better condensation management and enhanced ventilation to create warmer, drier, healthier New Zealand homes.

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