Previous determinations

Determinations are made by MBIE on matters of doubt or dispute to do with building work. Rulings are legally binding, but only in relation to each case.

Previous determinations may provide some useful guidance for those faced with similar problems, but note that individual circumstances may vary.

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74 Determinations match your query
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2017/065: Notice to fix for building work carried out without building consent in relation to relocated structures

This determination considers the definitions of building under section 8 and building work under section 7, and whether the relocated structure is a building for the purposes of the Building Act. The determination also discusses the particulars of contravention/non-compliance described in the notice to fix with regard to building work carried out without building consent.

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2017/058: Notice to fix and whether a structure on wheels is a building

This determination considers the definitions of building and vehicle under section 8, and whether a structure modified to attach wheels and a drawbar is a building for the purposes of the Building Act. The determination also discusses the particulars of contravention/non-compliance described in the notice to fix.

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2017/015: Grant of a building consent across two allotments

This determination considers the definition of an 'owner' for the purposes of section 75 and whether a section 75 certificate was required on the building consent. The determination discusses whether a building consent can be granted over two allotments to a leaseholder without requiring a section 75 certificate.

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2016/053: Regarding the exemption from the requirement for a building consent for foundation relevelling using expanding resin to a house

This determination considers whether the authority was correct in requiring an application for building consent or whether the proposed building work, to relevel the house foundations by injecting expanding resin, was exempt under Schedule 1.  The determination discusses the whether the expanding resin is a ‘comparable component’ in terms of the foundation system, and whether the proposed building work is a ‘substantial replacement’.

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2016/040: Regarding the grant of a building consent for a modular house, and the use of modules designed locally but prefabricated offshore

Note: The decisions in this Determination were confirmed on appeal to the District Court. See: Auckland Council v S Liaw (District Court, Auckland, 30 June 2017, CIV-2016-004-001575).

Appeal judgment [PDF 188 KB]

This determination considers whether the authority has exercised its powers correctly in granting a building consent for a house design that had a national multiple-use approval and consisted of modules that were manufactured offshore. The determination considers the extent to which the Building Act and its Regulations apply to the prefabricated modules, and discusses the range of information Building Consent Authorities can seek to satisfy themselves that the construction of the prefabricated components will comply with the plans and specifications. 

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2016/039: Regarding the grant of a building consent for a modular house, and the use of modules designed locally but prefabricated offshore

Note: The decisions in this Determination were confirmed on appeal to the District Court. See: Auckland Council v S Liaw (District Court, Auckland, 30 June 2017, CIV-2016-004-001575).

Appeal judgment [PDF 188 KB]

This determination considers whether the authority has exercised its powers correctly in granting a building consent for a house design that had a national multiple-use approval and consisted of modules that were manufactured offshore. The determination considers the extent to which the Building Act and its Regulations apply to the prefabricated modules, and discusses the range of information Building Consent Authorities can seek to satisfy themselves that the construction of the prefabricated components will comply with the plans and specifications.  

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2016/029: Regarding the issue of a notice to fix for three cabins constructed without building consent

This determination considers three cabins constructed for the use of sleeping accommodation at an ashram and whether the building work was exempt from the requirement to obtain building consent under Schedule 1. The determination discusses the definition of the term “dwelling” as it relates to Schedule 1(3)(d).

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2016/019: Regarding the code compliance of a shed on wheels at a neighbouring property, and whether the shed is a vehicle or building

This determination discusses the definitions of building and vehicle under section 8, and whether a shed on wheels that is registered as a vehicle under the Land Transport Act is a building for the purposes of the Building Act. The determination also considers whether the building work was exempt under Schedule 1, the compliance of the shed with Clauses C and E1 in relation to other property.

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2016/010: Regarding the issue of a notice to fix and whether a houseboat is a building

This determination considers the authority’s exercise of its powers of decision in issuing a notice to fix for a houseboat used as temporary accommodation. The determination turned on whether the houseboat is a building under the Building Act 2004 and provides for some guidance around when a boat falls within the building regulatory regime.

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2016/002: Regarding the issue of a dangerous building notice in respect of a damaged shared driveway

This determination considers the authority’s decision to issue a dangerous building notice for a damaged shared driveway serving several residential properties.  The determination discusses whether the shared driveway is a building under the Building Act.

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This information is published by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Chief Executive. It is a general guide only and, if used, does not relieve any person of the obligation to consider any matter to which the information relates according to the circumstances of the particular case. Expert advice may be required in specific circumstances. Where this information relates to assisting people: