Previous determinations

Determinations are made by MBIE on matters of doubt or dispute to do with building work. Rulings are legally binding, but only in relation to each case.

Previous determinations may provide some useful guidance for those faced with similar problems, but note that individual circumstances may vary.

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67 Determinations match your query
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2017/074: Requirement for fire resistance of a timber deck

This determination considers whether the structure without fire resistance complies with Clause C3 of the Building Code.  The determination discusses whether the structure as constructed satisfies C/AS1 and whether it complies as an alternative solution.

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2017/061: Proposed demolition of half a duplex building and the compliance of the remaining half

This determination considers whether there was sufficient evidence provided in a building consent application for the authority to grant the consent under section 49 of the Act where half of a duplex is proposed to be demolished. The determination considered whether the proposed building work complies with Clauses B1, B2, C3, E2, and H1 of the Building Code.

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2017/052: Refusal to issue a certificate of acceptance for recladding a 22-year-old building

This determination considers two applications made for a certificate of acceptance for the recladding of an existing building: the work has been undertaken without a building consent having been issued. Both applications were declined by the authority. The determination considers the compliance of the work itself, the basis on which the work was done, and whether the authority was correct to decline the applications.

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2017/022: Refusal to grant a waiver of Clause C3.4(b) of the Building Code in respect of the use of an artificial turf floor surface lining

This determination considers the compliance of the artificial turf flooring with Clause C3.4(b) of the Building Code. The determination discusses the allowances within the Acceptable Solutions for non-compliant surface finishes, and whether there are reasonable grounds to issue a waiver of the building consent in respect of the artificial turf.

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2017/002: Requirement for fire resistance of a slatted timber deck over a car parking area to new townhouses

This determination considers whether the proposed deck construction would comply with Clause C3 of the Building Code. The determination discusses whether the timber slatted deck over a carport is a roof for the purpose of C/AS1 and whether the design is an alternative solution.

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2016/048: Section 112 requirements to remediate the fire separation between units in an apartment complex, and compliance of the proposed solution

This determination concerns construction defects that were exposed during building work undertaken to remediate weathertightness issues. The determination considers the code-compliance of the use of intumescent sealant without plasterboard patches for penetrations in intertenancy walls, and discusses the application of section 112 of the Act in respect of the defects in existing construction including those not exposed as part of the proposed building work.

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2016/022: Authority's proposed exercise of its powers to refuse to grant a certificate under section 224(f) of the RMA for a unit title development

This determination considers the requirements under section 116A with respect to fire rating of an inter-tenancy wall. The determination discusses the relationship between the Building Act, the Resource Management Act and the Unit Titles Act in respect of unit title developments and subdivision.

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2015/074:Regarding the installation of a lift without building consent, and a request to remove the compliance schedule ...

Regarding the installation of a lift without building consent, and a request to remove the compliance schedule, for a multi-unit residential building.

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2015/066: Regarding the authority's refusal to issue a building consent for an extension to an anluminium factory building in respect of Clause C3.8

This determination discusses the application of sections 17 and 112 in respect of an alteration to an existing building that has the effect of creating a larger firecell, and the Building Code obligations that are triggered by the increase in size. Also discussed is the fire service intervention time.

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2015/022: Authority's refusal to grant a modification of clause 3.4a of the Building Code in respect of materials used for internal surface linings

Discussed as title and whether a comparison to the wharenui (marae buildings) exemption is appropriate. Also provides a general framework for modifications or waivers under section 67 of the Act, and methodology for deciding whether it is “reasonable” to grant a modification, for example, by reviewing the extent and possible consequence of the non-compliance with a specific performance clause, or reviewing for consistency with the purpose and principles of the Building Act.

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